Cable Monitoring Solutions

Maximizing the utility, increase the operational performance and monitor the cable's health

Electricity is fundamental in today´s world. Power cables have become indispensable for the security of energy supply. Therefore, maximizing the utility of cable assets is both crucial and challenging. Fluctuating demands in different markets and environments, as well as new and renewable sources for energy supply, show the importance of transmitting power to where it is needed. Cable monitoring supports you in maximizing the throughput of your cables, avoiding failures and reducing outage time, as well as prolonging the lifetime of your cable systems.
NKT has over 130 years of experience in the cable industry. Our strategy is to work closely with several suppliers of sensor systems, e.g. fiber optic sensing systems, but also to develop state of the art monitoring systems ourselves, e.g. curvature monitoring described later.
But, the key benefits of a monitoring system comes when you integrate sensors together with real-life knowledge and experience. You need access to the experts to draw the right conclusions and make the right recommendations. NKT has that set of experts.

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Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)

DAS-tekniken kan identifiera akustiska vibrationer längs en undervattenskabel, vilket möjliggör detektering av potentiella risker från närliggande ankrings- eller fiskeaktiviteter. Detta proaktiva tillvägagångssätt tillåter våra kunder att vidta åtgärder i tid innan någon skada uppstår på deras offshorekabeltillgångar.
Tekniken mäter vibrationer genom att reagera på små förändringar i den optiska fibern integrerad i sjökablar som orsakas av vibrationer. De resulterande signalerna analyseras sedan och presenteras, och visar störningens frekvens och amplitud.
Om ett fel skulle inträffa kan DAS också användas som en ytterligare informationskälla för fellokaliseringsaktiviteter eftersom många fellägen manifesterar sig med vibrationer som systemet tar upp.

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Din förfrågan handlar om:

Drift & Underhåll
Kabel Avveckling
Oil and Gas Cable Competence Centre

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Stefan Persson

Head of Cable Monitoring Solutions
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